

Support “Argento Vivo” project and the research to find new treatments for people over 65.

13 millions

The number of people
over the age
of 65 in Italy


The number of people over the age of 65 that every year suffer from stroke and Parkinson’s disease


which safeguards the Silver Generation.

Argento Vivo is Humanitas for the Research Foundation’s project born to protect health and support the research with new therapies for people over the age of 65, developing new methodologies of treatments more sustainable and less invasive. 

Help create a new culture of care and prevention, for all ages.
Support research and don’t forget the importance of prevention: together we can make a difference.


Having an active life with a healthy and balanced diet is crucial to stay healthy when you’re 65 years old or more and prevent silver generation’s typical diseases. 

And because prevention is always better than cure, start with the food you eatmake sure you enrich your diet with more mushrooms and berries, the allies of health of all age groups.

Antioxidant, remineralizing and full of vitamins, mushrooms strengthen your immune system and prevent cardiovascular diseases and are very good for our diet. Source of vitamin B, D and selenium, they represent a valid ally in preventing sarcopenia and osteoporosis, both often showing up as we age, causing loss of muscle mass and bone density. For this reason, Versilfood is donating part of its selling proceeds to sustain Argento Vivo, Humanitas for Research Foundation’s project is dedicated to health and research of new treatments for people over 65.

With a high nutritional content, berries can prevent and reduce symptoms of lots of pathologies and, if consumed regularly, they contribute to maintaining good health conditions. Thanks to their antioxidant properties, berries can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart, aging and neurodegenerative diseases.
For this reason, Versilfood is donating part of its selling proceeds to sustain Argento Vivo, Humanitas for Research Foundation’s project is dedicated to health and research of new treatments for people over 65.

Dr. Elisabetta Marcosini, human nutrition biology expert

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