

For our company, it is important to support projects and businesses with which we share the same goals and values, and the well-being of people has always been at the heart of both our products and the initiatives we support.

This year, on the occasion of Christmas, we decided to support Progetto Itaca Onlus, a Foundation that promotes information programs, prevention, support and rehabilitation aimed at people suffering from mental health disorders, still today subject to many prejudices, and their families, making gift boxes, purchased on our shop for a month, from 15 November to 20 December.

This partnership, of which we are very proud because it aims to raise awareness of the issue.

Before 2019, in fact, 1 in 8 people in the world lived with a mental disorder, while only in Italy, in 2020, there were 720,000 people in treatment. Important numbers that should no longer be overlooked.

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